生協の食材宅配 生活クラブ神奈川|サステイナブルなひと、生活クラブ



ILO COOPユニットチーフのシメル・エシム氏より創立50周年の祝辞を頂きました



生活クラブ神奈川 創立50周年記念ILO COOP祝辞

ILO(国際労働機関)の協同組合ユニット(ILO COOP)からご挨拶します。
生活クラブの「自主運営・自主管理」という重要な理念が、半世紀にわたって存続し、発展してきたことは画期的なことです。 私は、この理念が私たちの社会の将来にとって重要であり続けると確信しています。



今月のILO COOPニュースレターでは、生活クラブ神奈川理事長の篠崎みさ子さんにインタビューを行い、活動の経緯についてお話を伺いました。

ILO COOPは、皆さんの50周年を祝福します。生活クラブ神奈川が、自立して協力的な市民社会と協同組合間の連携拡大を支える重要なアクターであり続けることを、私は信じて疑いません。


ILO COOPユニットチーフ


ILO COOP Statement for Seikatsu Club Kanagawa 
50th Anniversary                   July 1, 2021

Greetings from the Cooperatives Unit of International Labour Office, the ILO. I would like to congratulate the Seikatsu Cooperative consumer
Kanagawa on its 50th anniversary working to create a community where people can live humanly and build a lifestyle that protects democratic and peaceful lives.
It is inspiring to see this important philosophy of ​​"self-governance and self-management" of Seikatsu Club has survived and thrived for half a century.  I have no doubt these principles will continue to be relevant for the future of our societies.

As you may know ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for the world of work issues. It has a mandate of social justice and decent work.
Decent work involves opportunities for work that is productive and delivers a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social integration, freedom for people to express their concerns, organize and participate in the decisions that affect their lives and equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men.
Central to ILO’s mandate is a system of international labour standards. ILO standards have addressed cooperatives since 1947.

ILO activities on cooperative enterprises are guided by the international standard on cooperatives, the ILO Recommendation on the Promotion of Cooperatives, 2002 (No. 193). This Recommendation has proven to be highly relevant for the revival of cooperative enterprises in many parts of the world.

Since its adoption, more than 110 countries have used the Recommendation to support the revision and development of national policies and laws, and it has contributed to a number of regional and subregional uniform model laws.
Since 1920, the Cooperatives Unit of the ILO works on promoting and advancing cooperatives and more recently the wider social and solidarity economy around the world.

This month at ILO COOP we were happy to interview Ms Misako Shinozaki, Chairperson of Seikatsu Club Consumers' Cooperative Kanagawa where she told us about how she got involved.

In June 2022, the ILO’s International Labour Conference will discuss an item related to “Social and Solidarity Economy, SSE, for a human-centred future of work”. Cooperatives are an important part of SSE. This upcoming discussion at the ILO’s international labour conference presents an opportunity to shed light on the growing diversity of enterprise models that are based on values of cooperation, mutualism and solidarity, and which combine social, economic and environmental objectives.
At ILO COOP we wish you a happy 50th anniversary. I have no doubt in my mind that the Seikatsu Cooperative consumer cooperative will continue to be a critical actor in supporting the  expansion of independent and cooperative civil society and cooperative associations.

In solidarity.

Simel Esim





